Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Regular Electrical Panel Inspection Will Keep Your Home Safe

Routine home maintenance is the best way to keep your home safe and protect your investment. A regular electrical panel inspection should be part of any planned home maintenance that you do. Always have a trained electrician check your panel and wiring to be sure that your electrical system is safe and functioning well. There are lots of different things that can cause your electrical system to deteriorate or not function as well as it should. Often you won’t know there is a problem until something extreme happens like a fire. But having an Licensed Electrician check your electrical panel and wiring on a regular basis can make it easier to catch problems caused by things like:

Pests: You might not even know that you have pests. A routine inspection of the wiring can show evidence of pests before a problem develops. Pests can chew on wires, scratch the protective coating off of wires, or even pull wires out and rearrange them. When you start to see signs that pests are chewing on your wiring you can get an exterminator to deal with the problem before it becomes serious.
Age: If you have an older home the wiring in your home might be very old. Old wiring can be a fire risk and it can cause shorts in your electrical circuits. Getting your panel inspected will give an electrician the chance to check the wiring in the home and make sure it’s safe. If you do need to have wiring upgraded a technician can give you a realistic estimate of what it will cost to get your house wired with updated materials. In many older homes the electrical system has never been upgraded so you may need to put in an entirely new electrical system to deal with the energy demands of a modern lifestyle. 

Weather: It’s a smart idea to have your panel and system checked in the fall and in the spring. That way you can make sure it’s functioning properly before the bad weather hits in the winter. You also can have any damage that occurs during the winter repaired before it becomes dangerous. A simple panel inspection done by a Licensed Houston Electrician  won’t cost a lot and it will give you peace of mind. You will rest easier knowing that your electrical system is working the way it should even if the weather is bad.

LED Electrical Services
3600 FM 1488 Suite 120 Conroe, Texas 77384

Protect Your Home With A Whole Home Surge Protector

Power surges are way more common than they should be and involve an increase in power voltage that is above about 120 volts. However, you can protect against them with the use of a whole home surge protector. Whole home surge protection is needed for those homeowners with outdoor lighting or those with large appliances.  Licensed Electricians are skilled and trained to bring whole home surge protection to your electrical panel. If you have an abundance of appliances, it really is beneficial to invest in this type of electrical security. This will protect your entire home and it can easily be installed in your electrical panel box.

Appliance Sensitivity
Many modern appliances are built with microchips that are sensitive to power spikes. This means that spikes or sudden increases in power can destroy or compromise many new appliances. However, you can avoid this misfortune by simply having a protector installed. This will eliminate any risk and ensure that your appliances are not harmed.

Why Do Power Surges Occur?
Power spikes can occur for many different reasons. However, one of the most common causes of power spikes are high powered or large appliances. Large refrigerators and air conditioners require a lot of energy to run. Lighting can also be a main culprit of power spikes, especially if you have large amounts of outdoor lighting. Investing in a whole home surge protector really is the best option. It is never a good idea to wait when it comes to the safety of your electrical panel. If you notice any of the warning signs or are getting new appliances, now is the time to act. Larger appliances pull more power and can easily cause an uneven distribution. This means that when you upgrade your appliances, you should make sure to invest in a protector.

How Does It Work
Most devices work by determining when an increase in power is present. Once it is noticed, the device works to automatically redirect the excess electricity into an attached grounding wire. This will result in your voltage going back to normal levels. Safety is the main function of this device and you can be secure knowing that it will work effectively to maintain normal voltage levels at all times. You should not take a chance and simply opt for whole home surge protection. A certified Houston Electrician service man will easily be able to install your device to the electrical panel per code.

LED Electrical Services
3600 FM 1488 Suite 120 Conroe, Texas 77384

Monday, July 21, 2014

Your Backup Generator In Not Complete Without The Transfer Switch

Not all backup generators are created equally! There are some units that you have to get out and deal with manually. As a matter of fact that is why generators get a bad rap from people and so many of them decide not to have them installed.

When you want your generator to kick in on its own, should power be interrupted, you have to have an automatic transfer switch installed so that it will kick in when your power goes out.  Without the switch your generator does not “know” when to turn on.

Not a DIY Project

There are plenty of things you can do around the house yourself without having to call in a professional but a backup generator electrician is an absolute necessity for this project. As a matter of fact, in many areas it is part of the building code that you use a professional to install your generator switch because of safety requirements. This task is left to the professionals because it is chock full of dangers.

You are working with very high voltage and there are plenty of things that can go wrong. The laws and regulations are built around the level of risk that is involved. It is best to call in a professional that knows the regulations and that can insure the safe installation of the automatic switch on your generator.

Cost Effective Peace of Mind

There is nothing better than knowing that if there is a storm or some other event that causes a power outage, your family will not be affected by it. A professional licensed electrician can install the switch on your unit and help you get the peace of mind that you deserve.

This is a cost effective option for anyone that doesn’t like being in the dark and at the mercy of the power company. Over the last several years, storm force has really increased, and a quick look at the old news and statistics can give you an idea of how long people have had to stay without electricity.

Don't worry about fumbling with your generator when they power goes out. Let an expert backup generator electrician take your security and comfort to the next level. It is one of the best choices you can make for your home and family! Plus, all it takes to find an expert is a quick search in your area. Like using Electrician Conroe or whatever area you are in.

Ever Ask Yourself Do I Need a Backup Generator Installed For My Home

Backup generator installations have become a very popular home improvement for a couple of really good reasons. A backup generator can easily help you not only protect your home from a power outage but help you increase the value of your home with a backup generator.

There are plenty of sizes to choose from that can fit many different budget needs. The right backup generator can help you to have peace of mind during the times when power to your home or business is interrupted.

Safety First!

First step in getting backup power installed is to contact a backup generator electrician. You never want to try to do the install on your own. The potential risk of problems is long when you attempt this type of installation without the proper knowledge and experience.

The safest way to protect your family and your home is to call in a professional. An experienced professional can help you decided which backup generator is best for your needs and can easily get the install done quickly and without incident.

When The Power Goes Out

A backup generator will keep your property safe when the power goes out! Losing power can lead to losing everything in your refrigerator and freezer. It can also put your family at an increased risk for burglary. Unfortunately, there are some very unsavory people in the world that take full advantage when a storm or other event leaves people in the dark.

Of course there is also the comfort factor as well. Being without electricity whether it is in the dead of winter, or it is in the heart of the summer time is not something you have to deal with. You can easily have a backup power installed that requires low to no maintenance to help you insure that your family is always safe and sound.

The Value of Your Home

Buyers are very savvy today and they look for things in a home that they will not have to do themselves. Having a backup generator electrician install a generator in your home will instantly increase the value of your home! Plus, all it takes to find an expert is a quick search in your area. Like using Electrician Conroe or whatever area you are in. Making this installation and investment can be a huge selling point when it is time to sell, because it really is a huge comfort and security feature in your home.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Installing LED Lighting To Style The Home Can Drastically Cut Your Electric Bill Too

An LED lighting electrician can help you to literally cut your electric bill by half! Thanks to the new improved LED lighting that is now available you can easily cut your electric bill by half!  These types of light bulbs are very compact and up to 85% more efficient than incandescent bulbs.

Energy bills are out of control. They have gotten higher and higher and have out muscled every other household bill out of the “biggest overall expense category”. Making simple changes to how you use electricity can help you to get your bills under control.

Light Emitting Diodes

An LED lighting electrician can help you by installing low consumption electric lighting. Light Emitting Diodes are very simple designed light bulbs that are super energy efficient. An electrician has the knowledge, skills and abilities to help you to decide how you can best utilize this great technology.

Early LED lighting was not as bright as it is today and it was not very practical to use as household lighting but today the lighting options are much more practical. Thanks to new technology these lights burn much brighter while still using a very small amount of electricity.

Sound Advice

Not all electricians are familiar with how LED lighting can be used to the best advantage. This is a specialty niche so you want to choose an LED electrician to get the best advice. A well versed electrician can help you to decide where the LED lighting will do the most good in your home.

With the right advice you will see your electric bills plummet. There are so many new options on the market right now that you really do need an expert in the field to advise you as to what is best for your needs. Getting sound advice will help you to start saving money immediately. You can take advantage of all the latest technology with some sound advice.

Fast and Easy Changes

With a qualified LED lighting electrician the changes can be made fast and easy. A highly qualified electrician can easily make the changes that need to be made with very little interruption to your life or home.

Fast easy ways to save money is the best way to save money. Speak to a Licensed Houston Electrician today to see how fast and easy those changes can save you money. A small investment now can really make a difference!